Our Demos

Take a peek under the hood.

Data-Driven has a new baseline.

popups redefined

Modern Popup Strategy

We set out to get a better understanding of the quality of traffic based on Source, Campaign, Ad Set, Ad, and also to understand the Subscription to Conversion rate, going deeper into what's actually driving conversions across the customer touchpoints.

Brand teams

Introducing truly Frictionless Forms™

Building for the customer experience is what we do, we're proud to announce truly frictionless forms where the customer's experience comes first. In this video you'll see, advanced behavioral logic mapping combined with auto-coupon code adding directly to the cart for both generic and unique coupon codes. We're seeing up to 50% improvements in subscription to conversion rate from these features.

Email teams

Understanding the Who, What, and When

Context behind the behavior of subscribers has always been an afterthought. The focus was always on collecting the email then figuring it out from there. With Formtoro we've looked to solve for this by adding context for every subscription so we have a better understanding of how to market directly to people via email.

ads teams

Moving beyond ROAS

ROAS has long been used as the gold standard of performance, but there are other indicators that are better to use to judge the success or potential success of an ad. We've moved to integrate subscription intent data to understand how to better approach ads and how to make long term decisions based on predictive analytics.

website teams

Building for the Customer

90%+ subscribers will provide multiple data points relevant to their customer journey. Previously, we would guess on our own and possibly send out surveys to people that had already purchased. By collecting more data during the signup and highest intent part of the journey we can start to improve overall website changes mirroring the information collected.

marketing teams

Key KPIs with Context

We've brought even more things into the Formtoro Platform so you can get an overview of how data integrates with multiple KPIs across the ecommerce journey. Though very focused on only a few channels, the name of the game is overall understandings of a lot of KPIs that aren't normally broken down separately.


Gift Card Upsell

Ever found yourself with items in your cart, but not quite at free shipping? You don't need anything else, but you will come back and buy more later, welcome to focusing on the customer journey.

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